What to expect when you bow hunt
It’s the little things that make a big difference with bow hunting, having to many of the little things can lead to opportunities lost.
Latest news from Telford Hunting along with tips & advice for hunting in New Zealand
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It’s the little things that make a big difference with bow hunting, having to many of the little things can lead to opportunities lost.
Introduction of Game Animals to New Zealand – hunting tips and history on Hunting these Animals. The first Red Deer to arrive in New Zealand did
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Chamois have always been on our lease, Mt Maude, and the property Mt Burke Station, that our lease is part of.
June 2023 Newsletter As a hunting guide and Outfitter carrying over 25 years of experience, 2023 has to rate as a milestone. Nothing, in all
Hunting season 2023: back in business Who can’t recall 25th of March 2020? As a hunting guide it’s etched into my memory, and here we
Telford Hunting 15 November 2022 New Zealand’s borders are open, New Zealand is safe and Telford hunting has its 2023 season operational plans in action.
Hunting Tips & History Introduction of game animals to New Zealand The first Red Deer to arrive in New Zealand did so as a gift
There are 2 labs playing on the deck, a tabby cat stretched out in front of the fire box, snow falling above 1000m(3200ft) and craggy rain all around us.
Sues off to the airport for work, no matter it’s Sunday…
Tahr , officially Himalayan Tahr (Hermitragus jemlahicus) or the beardless Himalayan mountain goat were first introduced to New Zealand in 1905.
Many hunters and their non hunting partners want to know how is the hunting day structured. Fair and good question. Nothing happens in a hurry and we try not to pull surprises. Our hunting lease is 10 minutes drive from your lodgings so there no travel time.
Another season done and dusted and what a beauty it was.
A lot of things lined up on the hunting front for this to happen.
I Thought I would use the seasons as my starting point for this quick catch up. It’s our summer right now, mix that in with
12,989. What’s in this number? Couple of things, it’s the distance from Calgary to Queenstown NZ. It’s also the cost, give or take a couple
Last hunter for the hunting season is due in a few days and by July 1st I’ll be swapping the mountains for a warm Tongan